Monday, July 25, 2011


I attended my cousins Alexander's 8th grade Graduation/ Confirmation Party.  It was held in a really nice park with a lake.

At this point, I still had no desire to practice my photography like I use to.

Earlier this month, I attended my brother's birthday party.  This was the first time I met my 10 month old cousin Kayleanna.  She was so cute.  I just had to take a picture of her.  I also took pictures of other children that were at the BBQ



KK again!


She has amazing eyes!

I started to miss photography :(

This past weekend made me realize how much I actually missed taking photographs.  I went to a friend's house for a christening.  A couple of my husband's coworker bought their kids and I just happened to bring my camera.  When I got home and uploaded the photos.  I was in love all over again.  

Here's why:

Baby Gregory is the coolest and calmest baby I know

Miss Claire

My husband gave her a cookie.  This kept her in the corner by the front door where there was plenty of natural light.   The cookie made the pictures even better

This is Helena.  This is the only picture I managed to get of her during her visit.  She has the biggest cheeks ever

This is my FAVORITE picture.

So there you have it.  This is the BEST of the photos I have taken over the last 3+ months.  Right now I am just looking for people to lend me their children for photos!

So, until my next photo shoot...


I Got A Feeling

It's been a long time since I made a post.  I won't bore you with a long story about why I stopped posting.  I just want you to understand that I am back.  I don't plan to continue my 365.  I just want to take photos and post them whenever I can.

So here is what I have been up to the last few months.

I attended PIFA: Philadelphia International Festival of Arts

Then we went to New Orleans for the first time.  It is a very cool city.  You can drink on the streets.  If you ever get a chance to go YOU MUST HAVE A HAND GRENADE!

To Be Continued...